June 19, 2012

What can I eat or drink to lose weight?

This is a question I'm frequently asked.  The answer always dissapoints. There is nothing you can eat or drink to lose weight or maintain weight loss.  No magic potions or pills to take.  There's no one or group of exercises that will lead to permanent weight loss either.  First of all your focus should be on fat loss.  Weight loss encompasses fat, muscle and water loss.  You never want to lose muscle because the more of it you have the more calories you burn while at rest.  Even a workout junkie spends much more time at rest than exercising.  Water loss is temporary.  As soon as you re-hydrate you will put back on any weight you lose through sweat.  Fat should be your target when trying to reduce your overall size.

A simple and permanent lifestyle change that incorporates caloric restriction and regular weightlifting coupled with a good yoga or general stretching program will do the trick.  What about cardio you say? I view vanilla cardio on its own more as a therapeutic modality and have found it really isn't effective for losing and keeping fat off the body.

Don't worry about losing muscle mass if you're not eating the prescribed three meals a day.  You have to go more than 48 hours without food before your muscle mass becomes compromised. With just one meal a day along with lifting weights that challenge you at least three days a week you shouldn't see any muscle mass loss.You could even try an eat one day fast one day type of eating plan as long as you get clearance from your doctor.

Eat as little as possible, lift the heaviest weights you can without injuring yourself and do yoga.  This is the secret recipe to slowing down the aging process.  There's nothing you can do to stop aging but you can age with grace and vibrance.