April 26, 2012

Why Kettlebells?

Everyone wants to know what's so "special" about kettlebells? Aren't they just big round hunks of metal with  handles on them?  I suppose at their lowest common denominator that's what they could be.  But why choose to view something at it's most basic level?  Kettlebells offer a total package that's why they're "special" to me.

I've tried every fitness tool and gimmick out there.  Kettlebells are the only thing I've stuck with. First of all kettlebells aren't a gimmick.  Even though they're relatively new to the United States they've been used in Eastern Europe, Russia specifically for over three hundred years.  The Russian word for kettlebell is girya.

With just one kettlebell you can :
Increase overall total body strength (muscles and tendons)
Improve stamina
Enhance mobility
Improve overall athleticism
Expedite fat loss
Facilitate mental acuity
So much more

Kettlebells are especially good for people that claim to be or are short on time.  You'll get more out of a ten minute snatch or long cycle set than you will out of jogging for thirty minutes.  Who wouldn't like getting a full head to toe workout in ten minutes?