September 19, 2012

What's your purpose?

I see a lot of people wandering aimlessly through life with no real purpose or direction.  This causes all kinds of problems for these people and anyone that has the misfortune of having to deal with them on a regular basis.

When you haven't found your purpose in life it affects every aspect of your life.  Your family, career and social life will all be negatively impacted if you have no purpose.

Some signs you haven't found your purpose and lack direction in life are:
  • Having a constant thirst for drama
  • You're trying just a little bit too hard to "fit in" and "be cool."
  • Loathing the happiness and success of others
  • Being overly concerned with what other people are doing a.k.a. nosiness
  • Looking for constant validation and approval from others
  • Incessant bragging about things that really aren't brag worthy
  • Frequently trying to undermine people you're jealous of or that have rejected you
  • Chronically gossiping and spreading rumors
  • Feeling like you need to control and manipulate everyone around you
All of these things are done to create a sense of power because when you have no direction you feel weak and insecure.  But if someone really had power they'd be living the life they want and being nosy, gossiping, and trying to undermine people wouldn't be of any interest to them.  They'd put in the necessary work and sacrifice to be happy and content, accomplishing goals they set, and feeling fulfilled.

What can someone do if they haven't found their purpose in life and are tired of being a busybody drama queen?  To find your purpose you have to look inward. Stop worrying about what other people are doing and what they may think of you. Ask yourself questions such as: What are your core values? What are you passionate about?  What do you enjoy?  What are you good at?  After answering these questions look for ways to help people with your unique innate gifts.  Your life has no purpose if you're not helping others. Once people start focusing on things they like and are good at and helping people their life will become rich and meaningful.  They'll literally be upset with themselves for wasting so much time with foolishness in their past.
If you or someone you know are having trouble finding purpose in life reach out to a good Life Coach to help guide you.!/FitnessFervor