December 10, 2012

Your only hope for permanent fat loss

There are a number of ways to lose weight but if your focus is permanent fat loss your goal should be increasing your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) which is the number of calories you burn while doing absolutely nothing.  Your BMR accounts for 60% -75% of daily energy expenditure in most people.  Physical Activity such as kettlebell training only accounts for 10% - %15.
TEF (Thermic Effect of Food) which occurs during the processing of the food you eat for use and storage  accounts for about 10% of daily energy expenditure.  Clearly you can see increasing your BMR is really your only hope.

Your BMR is determined mostly by the amount of lean muscle mass you have.  The more muscle you have the higher your BMR will be.  Strength training and a smart but simple nutrition plan is your ticket to increasing your muscle mass.  Restrictive and over complicated diet plans are not sustainable so they only work short term.  Eliminating carbohydrates from your diet will help you lose weight but as soon as you add carbohydrates back to your diet all the weight you lost will come back with a vengeance.  Complicated diets that have you eating carbs one day and protein and carbs one day and just protein one day and avoiding dairy, wheat or gluten will get old quick. Diets that have you thinking you'll die or that your muscles will wither away if you don't consume protein every two to four hours aren't really ideal for someone that has an active lifestyle and can't stop and eat every few hours.

Why not live how our ancestors did?  When we were hunters and gatherers obesity was almost non existent.  Hunters and gatherers didn't have breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack schedules and would often go days without food.  On days they did eat it would be common to eat just one meal after hunting and gathering all day. Hunters and gatherers were lean for two reasons.  Their bodies were in a fasted state most of the time and they were very active regularly engaging in activities that increased and challenged their strength.

Our BMR's would be through the roof if we lived like our ancestors.  All this obsession with breakfast, lunch dinner and snacks is making us fat.  The food and supplement industry spends billions of dollars each year brainwashing us into thinking we need to be stuffing our face with food and supplements 24/7. This brainwashing coupled with the endless supply of food at our disposal is the main contributor to the obesity epidermic.

Do some research for yourself and see if it's really necessary to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between.  Research how long it takes for your metabolism to slow down in the absence of food.  
Your metabolism won't slow down if you don't eat every four hours.  It won't slow down even if you go an entire forty-eight hours without food as long as you do some type of strength training activity. Contrary to what the supplement industry has led us to believe you don't have to consume a protein shake within thirty minutes of workout.  Don't believe anything you haven't thoroughly researched.  A mind is a terrible thing to waste. 

 Do some kettlebell training and then get some knowledge.  A good resource for undoing all the brainwashing is Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat.  You MUST read this book.  No one has researched nutrition and supplements more than Brad Pilon. Click here for more information or to order Eat Stop Eat.
