January 2, 2013

Set It Off In 2013

2013 is here baby! Don't half step this year. Set it off!  If something is new and scares the hell out of you that's exactly what you should be doing.  Why are you half steppin in the first place? You scared to fail?  The main difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people know failing is a part of success.  You become good at something by doing it over and over and over and over.

Micheal Jordan didn't just wake up one day and become a great basketball player.  He missed thousands of shots and that's precisely what ultimately made him a laser sharp shooter. At his prime he couldn't miss a shot if he tried.  What if Michael Jordan missed a few shots when he first started playing basketball and said to himself "To hell with this basketball crap! Let me go do something easier like sitting around whining and complaining."?

The Chicago Bulls and millions of adoring Michael Jordan fans are eternally grateful he wasn't a weak minded quitter.  Michael is a wise man and at his core a winner. He most likely instinctively knew missing all those shots was just par for the course.  Be like Mike. Keep taking and missing shots until you're so damn good you just don't know how to do anything but win. Besides what's the alternative?  Sitting around singing the shoulda woulda coulda blues?  Set it off!
