February 5, 2013

Stinking Thinking

Losing weight permanently isn't easy.  Especially if you’re trying to lose weight without addressing the psychological reasons you’re overweight, overeating and lack motivation to exercise on a regular basis.  You need to ask yourself hard hitting questions and answer them honestly before you embark on any weight loss or lifestyle change journey.  A few questions to ask yourself are:
  1. Who will you be if you lose weight?  If you've been overweight for a long time it's become a part of your identity.  How will you identify yourself without all the extra weight?
  2. What will change in your life if you lose weight?  Will you lose certain friends or a significant other that prefers for you to be overweight?  What happened last time you lost some weight?
  3. Why won't you feel safe if you're thin and attractive?
  4. How does being overweight serve you?
Until you can honestly answer the questions above you're wasting your time and money with personal trainers and gym memberships.  Permanent change comes from the inside out not the other way around.
