May 10, 2012

Could you live without your favorite TV shows?

How much time do you invest in watching your favorite TV shows?  I'll be frank with you.  I'm a former TV addict that used to literally schedule my life around television shows.  I'm not afraid to admit it because I know there are millions of people just like me.  The entertainment, suspense and drama television provides is really alluring.  I broke my addiction by first getting a DVR which is just an digital box device that records TV shows.  I then limited my TV watching to the one or two days a week I didn't work and only permitted myself to watch about three hours total. 

What I found was that I am just more productive and more in tune with myself and others without the distraction of television.  Let's face it television is really just something to distract us from our lives.  What we really should be doing is creating the type of life we truly desire so we won't want distractions.     
Once you start to exclusively focus on things that can enhance your life you won't have much interest in television.  When I watch TV now I feel aggravated and can hardly stand to keep the television on for more than a one hour stretch.  Watching TV now seems like more of a purposeless chore than anything else.  Now I'm not telling you what to do with your time but I challenge you to turn off the television and start focusing in on the goals you want to accomplish in life.

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