May 25, 2012

Jump Into Fitness

Give me a jump rope and twenty minutes and I can get your heart rate up quicker than the scariest roller coaster ride.  The jump rope is definitely a tool you want in your fitness toolbox.  It's dirt cheap, compact and portable, super effective at blasting fat and probably the best bang for your buck cardio tool.  It's a shame more people don't jump rope.

U.S. Olympian Wrestler Buddy Lee is the ambassador of and the authority on all things related to jumping rope.  This man makes jumping rope look like poetry in motion and has effectively inspired millions of people to jump rope.

The main thing to remember if you're just starting jumping rope is you want to barely lift off the ground and land gently for knee safety. You're just trying to get high enough to get over the rope so one to two inches is enough.  Also cross trainer type shoes are best because they have support in the front of the shoes where you will be launching and landing.  You should also purchase a speed rope as it moves better than other types of jump rope.  Get to jumping!

May 17, 2012


Yoga is : 
  • Healing - Yoga has been used for centuries to maintain and restore health and vitality.  It has effectively cured depression, anxiety and a number of breathing ailments.  Yoga is often used as a holistic therapy to treat an assortment of  bone, muscle, ligament and tendon injuries.
  • Calming - No other exercise methodology can match or beat the calming effects of yoga for the mind and body.  
  • Sustainable and Ageless - Anyone from infants to senior citizens can do yoga. You can easily find individuals well into their sixties and beyond doing yoga.  How many sixty year olds do Crossfit?

Yoga can:
  • Decrease appetite
  • Facilitate mental acuity
  • Enhance actualization of self and others
  • Improve memory and concentration
  • Slow down the overall aging process
  • Decrease the amount of time you need to sleep to function at an optimal level
  • Enhance overall mood

It would be a huge understatement to say yoga is a good investment of your timeThere are a large number of yoga styles to choose from.  Some popular styles are Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini, Bikram/Hot and Inyengar.  It would benefit individuals from all walks of life to incorporate yoga into their daily life. Yoga is an ideal form of exercise.  All you need is a yoga mat and small space in any room in your home or office.  You can even do yoga at a local park if you prefer an outdoor setting.  You can choose from dozens of yoga poses that vary in the challenge and benefits they offer.  Do a Google search for a Yoga studio near you to get started.

May 10, 2012

Could you live without your favorite TV shows?

How much time do you invest in watching your favorite TV shows?  I'll be frank with you.  I'm a former TV addict that used to literally schedule my life around television shows.  I'm not afraid to admit it because I know there are millions of people just like me.  The entertainment, suspense and drama television provides is really alluring.  I broke my addiction by first getting a DVR which is just an digital box device that records TV shows.  I then limited my TV watching to the one or two days a week I didn't work and only permitted myself to watch about three hours total. 

What I found was that I am just more productive and more in tune with myself and others without the distraction of television.  Let's face it television is really just something to distract us from our lives.  What we really should be doing is creating the type of life we truly desire so we won't want distractions.     
Once you start to exclusively focus on things that can enhance your life you won't have much interest in television.  When I watch TV now I feel aggravated and can hardly stand to keep the television on for more than a one hour stretch.  Watching TV now seems like more of a purposeless chore than anything else.  Now I'm not telling you what to do with your time but I challenge you to turn off the television and start focusing in on the goals you want to accomplish in life.

May 8, 2012

Are You Really Hungry?

You often hear people claiming their hungry.  How can your average American be hungry with an overabundance and wide variety of food at their fingertips?  While there is a small percentage of people that actually are hungry the vast majority of people in this country that claim to be hungry are really dehydrated or lacking sufficient nutrients.  There are three things that will make you feel hungry.  One is true actual hunger.  Another is dehydration and last but not least is a lack of sufficient macro and micro nutrients.

    True actual hunger is usually not the culprit for most of us.  Ask a Somalian refugee about hunger. They can tell you what real hunger is.  They've experienced firsthand not eating for days or even weeks on end.  If you've eaten a reasonable size meal in the last six to eight hours you're probably not experiencing true hunger.  It's most likely you're craving some junk food you're used to eating.

    Water is a key transporter of nutrients throughout the body and dehydration is often mistaken as hunger.  Although water in of itself is not considered a nutrient it does contain small amounts of  minerals such as calcium, sodium and magnesium.  The amount will vary depending on if you consume tap water or various types of bottled water like spring water, purified water, mineral enhanced water and distilled water.  You also have the relatively new trendy and in my opinion overpriced vitamin enhanced waters.  Dehydration or hypohydration as it's referred to in clinical settings can negatively impact physical performance.  With  just a 1% drop from optimal hydration you will experience a noticeable reduction in your VO2 max (maximal oxygen uptake).  Aim to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water to avoid dehydration.

    Finally we have Macro and Micro nutrients.  Macronutrients are carbohydrates, protein and fat. Micronutrients are vitamins such as A,B, C,D, E and K and minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and iron.  If your body is lacking in any of these macro or micro nutrients you will feel hungry regardless of how much food you consume. Ideally you should consume plenty of vegetables particularly the green leafy variety, fruits, lean fatty meats and a modest amount of nuts and whole grains.  Some individuals that follow the Paleo diet avoid grains and even believe that grains have contributed to the epidemic of auto immune diseases that are rampant in our society. Consult with a registered dietitian or certified nutritionist to find what nutrition plan is optimal for you and your unique dietary needs.

    May 1, 2012

    Fight Sugar Cravings

    Love sugar?  Do you feel like no matter how much you eat you can't get enough?  If you answered yes you probably have a sugar addiction.  It's a powerful addiction right up there with nicotine and alcohol.

    Who can resist all the delicious assortment of pastries and other sugary treats at our disposal?
    A sugary treat once or twice a week won't hurt you but if you're trying to reduce body fat sugar is not your friend.
    I couldn't resist sugary treats until I discovered  the magic of organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar.  Just a couple of tablespoons full of this magic potion three times a day and my cravings for sugar is gone. Not to be mistaken with regular white vinegar which is a lot cheaper for a reason.  It doesn't have any of the health benefits of organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar which has been used effectively for hundreds of years as an alternative health and healing potion.

    I use Bragg's Organic Raw - Unfiltered ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar).  It's hands down the best organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar you'll find.  The company has been around since 1912 so it's a product that's weathered every storm and is still standing strong.  In addition to the annihilation of my sugar cravings some other benefits of ACV are:

    • *           Acetic Acid – It appears that this acid slows the digestion of starch which can help to lower the rise in glucose that commonly occurs after meals.
    • *           Ash – gives ACV its alkaline property which aids your body in maintaining proper pH levels for a healthy alkaline state.
    • *           Calcium – helps create strong bones and teeth.
    • *           Malic Acid – gives ACV the properties of being anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
    • *           Pectin – helps to regulate blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol.
    • *           Potassium – helps to prevent brittle teeth, hair loss and runny noses.
    • *           Raw Apple Cider Vinegar may help improve bowel irregularity which will aid in removing toxins from the body at a faster rate.
    • *           Helps clear up skin conditions and blemishes giving a smoother texture and complexion
    • *           Raw Apple Cider vinegar may also help with joint pain and stiffness.
    • *           Apple Cider Vinegar helps to break down fat so that your body can use it rather than store it.

    Go pick up a bottle of this magic potion and share it with all your family and friends.  They will all be singing your praises once they've tried it and see how magnificent it is.